Sunday, August 16, 2015 | By: JustPJ

My Opinion on EE and PNP

Dreaming to land in Canada with a permanent resident visa entails too much patience, hope and faith. It is not easy and it requires a lot of time.

After doing the initial ECA and IELTS requirements for almost 2 months or exactly 54 days, I have finally registered with the EE pool and Job Bank. To date, while I am writing this post, we are know on 60 days waiting period or exactly 2 months after entering the EE pool. It seems to me that this part is like forever especially when having a low CRS score. Job Bank is still not working which is not helping in the whole process of the 2015 EE FSWP.

I opted a shot with the PNP, particularly in the provinces of Prince Edward Island and New Brunswick. However, this too, the PNP, is not as easy as I thought it is. In EE pool, an applicant should have a high IELTS , CLB 8 or the close to perfect score CLB 9, to help boost your CRS score. Additionally, having a diploma in a good school in your country is a plus factor which will give an applicant a good score on education. And, don't forget the age. Yes, I believe it is a factor too because an applicant will have a higher score having an age 30 and below. These three factors increases an applicant's chances to getting the golden ITA from CIC. The lowest so far in the CIC draws is at 451 CRS point. See, so it is not beneficial for EE applicants, like us, who are in the 300-400 CRS points but of course we are not losing hope that the scores will go down. Afterall, we are not CIC to guess.

Here comes my dilemma with the PNP side. I believe, not I think but I believe, that Canada's respective provinces PNP programs are more keen on an applicant's score and connection plus taking into consideration his or her NOC. Unlike in EE pool, we get invited because of our score regardless of what NOC we have. In PNP, they consider an applicant's NOC as a factor before giving out their golden ITA. Based on my experience and observation,  the NOC's that are considered to be a priority are those in the Engineering, Information Technology and Programmer professions. Regulated professions and other administrative professions, like in my case, is having difficulty in accepting an ITA. Take for example in the provinces of Saskatchewan, New Brunswick, Prince Edward Island and Nova Scotia, if you visit their websites and check on their PNP, I believe you will agree on me on this particular NOC factor.

I am saying this because I have sent my EOI in PEI PNP in 2 June 2015. Based on Canada Visa forum, PEI government has already sent ITAs to NOC 3012 (Registered Nurse and Registered Psychiatric Nurse), NOC 2174 (Computer Programmers and Interactive Media Developers) and NOC 2281 (Computer Network Technicians). So far, these NOCs are the ones listed on my list. On the other hand, I also sent my EOI in NB PNP on the following dates (1) 2 June 2015, (2) 23 July 2015 after attending an information session with the Government of NB, and (3) 11 August 2015. However, based on my list and that of Canada Visa forum, the following professions are NBs priority and to which they already issued ITAs: NOC 2173 (Software Engineers and Designers), NOC 2182 (User Support Technicians), NOC 2171 (Information Systems Analysts and Consultants), NOC 2132 (Mechanical Engineers), NOC 2281 (Computer Network Technicians), NOC 2134 (Chemical Engineers), NOC 2174 (Computer Programmers and Interactive Media Developers), NOC 4161 (Natural and Applied Science Policy Researchers, Consultants and Program Officers), NOC 1122 (Professional Occupations in Business Management Consulting), and NOC 0125 (Other Business Services Managers).

So there, we are a little disappointed especially on NB PNP because we really wanted to land in this province. Yeah, some or most of the applicants wanted bigger cities and provinces in Canada, like Ontario, Alberta and British Columbia, but as much as possible we wanted a smaller province, like in New Brunswick, that is conducive to work, family and, of course, to TTC couples like us, all in one place. I am done with bigger cities. We have seen the place and did a research about it through my friend google and in the Information Session we have attended last 17 July 2015. Nevertheless, and as I have said earlier, we are not losing hope that, just maybe, NB PNP is just sending out first ITAs to applicants that are on their top profession priority lists and soon they will be sending ITAs to other professions that are not in their demand lists. And yes, NB PNP is still not capped so for now we pray and hope for the best. Also, wait and pray until CRS scores go down towards the last quarter of this year.

Honestly, waiting really disgusts me too much because we have been waiting for almost 7 years now to have a baby and the waiting game for ITA or PNP is like starting the process all over again with our TTC. You can say I am running out of patience but no it is just tearing me apart psychologically, emotionally and mentally. It does not matter explaining my side here because, for sure, you will not understand it. 

Anyway, moving forward, my husband and I needs a lot of positive minds and hearts. We know we will get through it. God has brought us to this Canada immigration thing, we believe He will bring us through it.


Unknown said...

Hi!!! Saw your posts and I love how you document your Canadian dream. I too have a Canadian dream and I am working on it! Question, in your previous post (I think), you mentioned about Manitoba PNP. Did you get an ITA even if u didn't have a connection in Manitoba? The thing is, I did, and I just emailed them because I did state that that I don't have any connections in my EOI, and still got an ITA. I emailed them to clarify before I proceed with my application, yet still no response.

I am a stranger, yet I am really hoping for the best for you and your hubby to be able to secure a future for your future kids. In His Time, you guys will :) We just have to wait and do our part.

JustPJ said...

Thank you for taking time into reading my blog.

I did not apply for Manitoba PNP, I passed the initial screening of the over 100 score even if I do not have connection but when I went to the CRS side of Manitoba my score is so low. The connection score in the CRS is so high bringing my score down. Lucky you, you got ITA even without the connection. Maybe because of your NOC. In PNP, they really are very particular of once NOC.

I wish you the best on your application. God bless. :)

Unknown said...

Your time to Land here in Canada will come, in HIS perfect time, keep on trusting in Him.

(reyshi of P2C)

JustPJ said...

Hi Rey. Thank you very much for the kind words. :)


Wow.. PJ that time have come at last.. God is great always.

JustPJ said...

Yes He is karuvarasan. So, hold on to your dream and make them happen. I wish you all the best on your Canada dream.

Unknown said...

Hi Sis PJ, this is very inspiring... You are now just few steps away. God bless the realisation of your Canada dream.

JustPJ said...

Hi Edel. Thank you. Just keep on striving for your dream, work hard for it and God will do the rest. :) All the best on your application.

Anonymous said...

Don’t give up hope! Even if you don’t get the province you want, I’m sure you’ll love wherever you end up. Canada is a varied and welcoming place, and no matter your scores I’m sure we’ll find a place for you. Having Trudeau in office definitely helps as well, because he’s very progressive on immigration laws.

Jeannette Lewis @ Welcome Pack Canada

JustPJ said...

Hi Jeannette, I did not gave up, in fact, my husband and I are now in CIC stage. I believe that when you have a dream, we really have to work on it. Thank you.

Unknown said...

hello.. justPJ i've been reading your blog because we also have a canadian dream..i just want to ask ilang beses ka nag sent ng EOI sa NB?

JustPJ said...

Hello. I am not sure but I think twice sa NOC 1241 and once sa NOC 1311. So thrice. :) Good luck on your application.

Anonymous said...

I don't have IELTS but have got my Cambridge Proficiency in English, which I took last year. I am hoping to get a placement in Canada to study BioMedicine. The thing that I didn't like about IR^ELTS is that it is only valid for a couple of years. With Proficiency, it is for life. Still waiting to hear if this is acceptable.

Jeannette Lewis @ Welcome Pack Canada

JustPJ said...

Hi Jeanette, I don't think English Proficiency is enough because we are required to get a general IELTS for express entry and if you want to study, just like your case, you need to take academic IELTS. Good luck.

Unknown said...

I'm also in the beginning steps of this journey. Waiting on WES to issue its education evaluation. Meanwhile I'm exploring around the webs to see what sort of difficulties is awaiting. Your sharing is very helpful to all having this dream. Yes, God love us and The Lord will guide us, He has a perfect plan for us, keep trusting, praying, searching, and never give up! You will make it JustPJ.

JustPJ said...

Thanks Lich. We already made it and we landed here in Canada last May 3, 2016. Just keep on chasing your Canadian dream. Good luck.

cbc said...

Hi JustPJ, we want to submit an EOI to NB. is there a format or form that we need to submit and follow? Thanks for your help.

Unknown said...

Hi your blog is very inspiring. Just want to ask what was your job in the Philippines because based on your blog your NOC is not a priority. I'm also having an administrative job specifically secretarial and procurement. And i'm so longing to apply as immigrant its just that im scared that my job does not belong to the skilled category. Thanks

JustPJ said...

Hi cbc. Yes, there is. Please continue reading on my blog posts for the links. Good luck.

Hi Valerie. I changed my NOC because from 1242 to 1311 because the first one is not on priority but I was given ITA too with 242 but it was towards the end of 2015. I received ITA on my 1311 NOC a month after I submitted an EOI. You can use other NOC from your work experiences. Good luck.

Unknown said...

Thank you PJ for replying. I hope you can also share with us the sample format of your certificate of employment. thanks in advance. :)

JustPJ said...

Hi Valerie, the sample of the CIC's COE is on CIC website. What you need to do and so on. I believe I have a sample on my blog posts. Just check it out. Good luck.

Unknown said...

Hello JustPJ. Ask ko lang po if possible ba na masendan ng ITA kahit kulang score basta pasok sa NOC at interested sayo ung Province? Sa case ko kasi, ang layo ng score ko sa current score na nasesendan ng ITA. Kung sakali man na decreasing nga ung required score based sa trend, medyo matatagalan pa ko, at worse mababawasan pa ung score ko kapag nadagdagan ung edad ko. :( sad, but still I'm hoping. Nothing is impossible. Goodluck satin. Godbless us.

JustPJ said...

Hi Chris. Whatever is required, we have to follow. Good luck.

Anonymous said...

Our CRS score is 280 but we are in the Express Entry pool. I am very keen that PNP is the only choice we have. Considering the chances of a job offer.

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