Tuesday, December 29, 2015 | By: JustPJ


We finally submitted our online application to CIC after 10 days of receiving our ITA. We received the golden ITA from CIC on 18 December 2015. Submitted our online application on 28 December 2015 and received on the same day, actually after 5 to 10 minutes, our CIC AOR.

Thank you to our NBPNP application. It has prepared us in the CIC stage. Documentation and scanning of the voluminous papers all done. Except of course for NBI, upfront medical, new sets of bank certificate and bank statement, and of course new LOEs.

After ITA, we were given 60 days to fill up forms and upload supporting documents online. We were also given a choice to either pay the processing fee and upfront right of permanent residence fee (RPRF) for a family of 2. We chose to pay for the processing fee only of CAD$550.00 or a total of CAD$1,100.00. Why? Because waiting game really comes into my nerves, LOL. Three to four or five or six months is way too long for a waiting game and I rather that the CIC processing will take a while or hearing nothing at all from CIC for a span of how many months. Don't worry, this can be done. I read it before deciding to pay only for processing fee. And you know what, once a message from CIC says that we can now pay the RPRF then this only means that PPR is only around the corner of the waiting game (smiley, LOL). Anyway, below are the online forms which I filled out through MyCIC. It is just like the express entry forms but a more thorough one.


Once finished on the online forms, it will now direct you to the uploading of the required documents basing on your filled out forms. Since, we were only allowed one slot of the LOE, I included a cover letter or an LOE to some of our uploaded documents, i.e., legal name change, proof of medical and proof of means of financial support. Then I again put all together our LOEs which we submitted in our NBPNP application particularly on our landing slips on our passports and proof of funds. Below are the required documents which we uploaded online.

Afterwhich, CIC will ask for your signature and then it will prompt you to online payment of the processing fee through credit card only. Then we received a message from CIC of our AOR and the confirmation of payment. Below now is the new look of our permanent residence application.

Thus, the waiting game for permanent residency visa has started. Praying for a smooth processing. Oh my, still cannot believe this is happening to our application. All glory and praise to our dear Father God for helping, leading and directing us in our Canada dream for our little R.


xilac said...

Hello. I think I have read your blog several times as it is helping/ guiding and inspiring me a lot to pursue PR thru NBPNP. I just have a question, can you advise your timeline from the time you submitter your EOI until the time NB replied with an ITA? I just submitted mine today and I attended the manila info session last jan 24. Thanks in advance - gracevp

JustPJ said...

Hi xilac. Here is my timeline:
EOI: 9/3/2015
ITA: 09/26/2015
APP SENT: 10/20/2015
AOR: 10/27/2015
No additional document
Nomination: 12/08/2015
Good luck.

Nishanth said...

Dear JustPJ can you please tell what is the CRS score you got and also I have one query if I apply for PR as single marital status and I got it but by that time if I am married I cant take my spouse?

JustPJ said...

Hi Nishanth, my CRS before NBPNP nomination is at 313, when I got nomination from NB and received ITA from CIC my CRS is at 913. I think you cannot get your spouse if you got PR while single. What you will do next is to sponsor your spouse. Good luck.

Anonymous said...

Dear JustPJ, I am on the same point as you were at this time. Could you tell me about your documents? They were in English? If not tell me please what type of translation I need. It should be notarized translation or not... I am a bit confused, but extremely happy!!!

JustPJ said...

Hi ya-narechena, all my documents were in English. I do not know what to do when it is not. I am sorry. Good luck.

sarkangel said...

done with my AOR, August 4 :) on to the next post

JustPJ said...

Yeah, sarkangel. :)

GLKK said...

Hi JustPJ,

First, let me tell you that your blog is awesome and almost everyone I know is always referring to your blog for guidance. Some people even applied for NBPNP after checking your blog.

I have a question regarding the processing fees. Should I pay the processing fees for me and my spouse at the same time? To clarify, my credit card limit is not enough to pay for me and my spouse. That's why I thought of paying for myself only then I go to the bank to cover the amount I paid and then I pay for my spouse.

Further clarification:
Let us assume that my Credit Card limit is CAD$550. That means my limit is not enough to pay for me and my spouse at the same time. I thought of paying for myself then go to the bank and pay them in cash to clear my credit card limit so I can have CAD$550 to pay for my spouse. Is it possible to complete the payment on 2 different days?

Thanks in advance.

JustPJ said...

Hi Unknown. Thank you for the kind words. I honestly do not know if you can pay separately. What I remember is that it will prompt you to pay the PF in 1 total (correct me if I am wrong). The best that you can do is to ask your relative or friend to use their CC then pay them afterwards. Good luck.

Unknown said...

Hi JustPJ,

Thanks a lot for answering my question.

I thought of trying to increase the Credit Limit too if it would be possible.

JustPJ said...

Good luck GLKK.

Wengthoughts said...

hi pj, may I ask what is LOE? tnx.

Northstar said...

good luck and thank you for sharing

JustPJ said...

Hi hot momma. LOE is letter of explanation.

Hi Northstar. your welcome and thank you. Already landed here in New Brunswick.

Anonymous said...

Hey JustPj. I am reading your blog with tears of joy. I'm now in the process of getting my credential assessed then hopefully i'll be able to create my express entry application. I have been searching the internet high and low for some words of encouragement. I'm so glad that you wrote this blog. Please keep the blog going. Let us know how you're finding life in your new home country. God bless you.

JustPJ said...

Hi Anonymous. Thank you and good luck.

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